Specialists in Debt Collection and Credit Control Software

Adtec have a reputation for supplying an excellent level of service, providing customers with software that surpasses expectation, delivered on time and within budget.


Our flagship product, designed from the ground up, for Debt Collection, Debt Purchase and Ledger Management organisations.

Self Service

Our Customer Self Service (CSS) module empowers customers to manage their account online, available 24/7.


Our CRM has been integrated into many other third party products within the debt collection industry to enable seemless automation of tasks.

ISO 27001 is the internationally recognised Information Security Management Standard that proves an organisation’s commitment to the security of their customer, employee and shareholder’s information. With ISO 27001 in place, Adtec Software Ltd are able to minimise risks to potential data security breaches and reduce errors and costs, while demonstrating credibility and trust.

Adtec Software Ltd was assessed as meeting the Cyber Essentials implementation profile dated January 2024, and at the time of testing, the organisation's ICT defences were assessed as satisfactory against commodity based cyber attack.

This is to certifiy that Adtec Software Ltd has satisifed all requirements to become fully registered on the FSQS supplier qualification system, as set out by participating buying organisations within the Financial Services Communty.

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