What is Orca ?

ORCA is an extremely flexible platform, equally at home with ledger management as with very large volume debt collection.


The product is client / server based and utilises SQL Server as the back end data repository.

This makes it very scalable and can be configured to replicate across multiple sites for disasster recovery compliance.


The frontend screens are written in Microsoft visual studio which makes it very easy for us to develop integrations into other windows products.


We also can build custom API's for integrating with third parties.

Product Features

Here are some of the many features we have available within the Orca product.

  • Modern Look & Feel.
  • Customisable Account screens.
  • Easily add your own additional fields to the system.
  • Create your own Data Import routines.
  • Drag & Drop Workflow Designer.
  • Automated Direct Debit Processing.
  • PCI-DSS Compliant Card Processing.
  • Integrated Reporting & Charting Tools.
  • Document Management + Archiving.
  • Dispute Management.
  • Collector workload distribution.
  • Dialler Integration.
  • Customisable Score Cards.
  • Customisable Income & Expenditure Forms.
  • Customisable Invoice Runs.
  • Client Web Portal.
  • Customer Self Service Portal.


Sales Brochure
Orca Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]

Database Solutions

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